Thursday, November 29, 2007

I've Changed My Mind

Stay here. Tumblr and I still have some warming up to do.

It's Not Goodbye.

Perhaps because I'm immensely proud of the fact that this is my second post in one day, I'm going to try a little experiment to see if I can get myself blogging more often.

There's a new, hip kid in town, and his name is Tumblr. I learned about it from Julia Allison who I don't know, but whose blog I read quite regularly. That said, I do know Rachel Sklar, who knows Julia, so therefore, I'm not that creepy. (Not that reading a blog is creepy, because that would totally imply that you, my reader, are creepy, and you're totally not.) Anyway, it looks very user friendly, with big fat Mac-like icons, so I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, I'll start posting more often.

So, without further ado, until I tell you otherwise, and because I said so, check me out at


How Many Times Do I Use The Word "Awesome" In This Post?

I clearly am no good at updating my own personal blog. But I do have plenty of news.

First up: Last post, I said I'd do a "Guide to Judging" follow-up for the menfolk. Well, while I didn't do it here, or even on hair, for that matter, I did do it on Manners, and over here, aka HuffPo, aka my-non-employer-that-I-still-"work"-for-that-I-wish-was-my-real-employer. Wait, this is a public blog. I didn't say that! I love my job! Do you see that, Boss? I LOVE MY JOB. Whew. That was a close one.

But back to the post: apparently people like to argue about manners.

(Some friendly advice? Don't bash men in ponytails in a public forum, particularly on the internet. Makes for unhappy commenters.)

That said, I'm happy to announce that I had a RECORD number of commenters. So, happy or unhappy, commenters - I love you!

Second up: In addition to my Bi-Weekly (or Semi-Monthly, if that helps) Style Column, I am about to embark on a very public, very weekly, and very spiritual journey. No joke!

Story as follows:

I'm humbly working away at my desk, when out of nowhere, Arianna Huffington calls me from her car! (OK, that's not really how it happened. There were Editors and Assistants involved and it was a Pre-Organized Conference Call, but whatevs, she was still in her car and she was still calling me, so that totes counts.) And what is it that Ms. Huffington could possibly want with me, one of her 2,500 strong army of minion(ette) bloggers? She wants me to chronicle my "spiritual journey" as a young, hip, 20-something female in New York. Whee! I'm young! I'm hip! But I'm totes not spiritual (nor am I on a journey, of any sort, for that matter).

But apparently that's a good thing! So, every Wednesday on the HuffPo Living page I will be posting, for all the world to see, My Spiritual Journey*. (Working Title. That said, ideas would be much appreciated. Arianna, and yeah, we're on a first name basis, likened it to Sex and the City, a la "Spirituality and the City", but that doesn't quite roll of the tongue the way you want it to.)

First step in my journey? Interviewing Sister Wendy. The cutest, most adorable, most hug-craving inducing old woman I have ever seen. (She's also the photo that I used to accompany this post. She's that cute. I can haz Sister Wendy?) Besides being a nun (which is kind of awesome in that "really, nuns still exist?" sort of way), she's also a totally awesome art historian with PBS-style books on tape that a lot of people grew up listening to. And she also just came out with a book on prayer that's supposed to be kind of awesome and as non-religious as a book on prayer can be.

So, let's give it up for Sister Wendy, who will be answering all my "How do I start a Spiritual Journey" questions, and hopefully, being an AWESOME start to My Spiritual Journey.

*Author's Note: I, in no way, mean to imply that I will actually get anywhere on this spiritual journey. Author is not accountable for any non-spiritual and/or poor moral choices made over the course of the journey. Also: expect some mockery and judgment. I am a blogger, after all!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

This Blogger's Guide to Judging People (By Their Hair)...

...can be found right here.

Since there's a slight chance that people who read this blog know (or think they know) me better than my oh-so-loyal HuffPo readers, feel free to judge away here as well. Although, I don't think many of you need an invitation. (Snarky C-Man lovers: I'm talking to you.) I'll even post a bigger photo, if you need it - just say so in the comments!

Also, due to OVERWHELMING DEMAND (ha!), there will be a follow-up to this guide, namely: A Blogger's Guide to Judging Men (By Their Hair). And that will happen over here, so, stay tuned for that.

And lastly - to those of you that find themselves (or others) in my descriptions: You're probably right. Except those of you who are offended. Then, no, you're most definitely wrong.