Sunday, October 21, 2007

Say Hello To My Little Friend

Psst! I've figured out the secret to blogger fame:

Write about Constantine Maroulis.

But, since I have not had any more C-Man encounters, nor do I have any (apparently) recent photos, and, more importantly, I have neither enough admiration nor disdain for the man himself to warrant another post, I have dedicated this one to my favorite OTHER greek: Peter K. I'm not giving you his last name, but trust me, it's Greeker than yogurt and goats and My Big Fat Greek Wedding all rolled in one.

Also: He's cuter than C-Man, and a way better singer.

Peter loves Pete Wentz and hearts Ashlee, but only slightly less than he loves his BlackBerry Pearl. He's the hippest 'ster to have graced the streets of Chicago, and can bounce you past a line at Debonaire faster than you can say "Who? Me?". He gives great hugs, drives a Volvo with no A/C, and is true Hollywood royalty. On a more related note, he's also a fan of the Guest-Blogging genre, which is the point of this post, as I will be hopping on board with an appearance on his blog, Peter's Second Thought.

But most importantly, and less relevant to anyone who's not me, he's coming to visit soon! And then he will be mine! All mine!

This is Peter.

And this is Love.


Anonymous said...

Constantine owns does that feel??

Anonymous said...

The correct answer to the last comment is "It feels kiiiinda like chicken"

Anonymous said...

peter has a blog too? rad. i love the photos. i have some great photos involving a roller blading party that wasnt quite a rollerblading party due to lack of rollerblades, a long board, smoke machine, and black light.