I'm finally jumping the shark, and heading over to Tumblr.
You can find me at:
Verena Says (version 2.0)
While Tumblr isn't as pretty as it is over here, I think I can genuinely say that I like it better, and bonus points for you folk -- I'll most definitely update it more. Whether said updates will be of any quality, well, that's up for debate. And hey, it's a blog. Quality, Schmality.
So, goodbye. (For now. I'm commitment phobic - with blogs at least - so I'm not promising anything.)
PS. I may have completely mis-used the term "Jump the Shark" here, but I found it a highly relevant term, and it also makes me sound all media knowlegeable, so there.)
PPS. Awesome Pic is from Natalie Dee. Check her out.