Tuesday, January 08, 2008

It's Official!

I'm a writer.

Why now, you ask? Well, because I'm getting paid. Not permanently, or consistently by any means. But I'm getting paid. In one installment. For one assignment, but a paycheck is a paycheck is a paycheck. Particularly when it's a fat one!

I also think it's official because I officially now keep writer hours, staying up till ridiculous times, tearing my hair in frustration. Who knew this was so fun?

Also, I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last updated. That's embarrassing. I really think I need to try Tumblr. I don't know why, but it seems like it would really facilitate constant posting.

The End.


TJ Kous said...

kudos, veruna!
what's the gig?

possum said...

The tan thing on HuffPuff? Funny! Also, true! Keep it up, you and your funny name! By the way, you made that name up, didn't you? Admit it! You can tell us!