Following the unprecedented success of my "Tan Is The New Tacky" post, (it was the 4th most read blog on the site, following three about the primaries), I received a message (on Facebook, no less) from CFBR TalkNews Radio producer. (Yes, radio still exists.) I was asked to do a live (LIVE!) call in interview only a few hours later. So, this morning, at 11:30AM EST, I was bantering back and forth with a Mr. Leslie Roberts, on his eponymous show about the pros, cons, and what the hells? of tanning.
So, for your listening pleasure, my (old) media debut.
And the moral of the story is: Video did NOT kill the radio star. But the internet's definitely working on it.
PS. Seriously, listen to it. I sound like a huge dork. And I call Cameron Diaz, Carmen. But, besides that, at least one day, you'll be able to say you knew me way back when people still went on radio shows.
i can't believe you called her carmen. thats like the worst.
it's too bad I just found this blog, and you haven't seem to have posted anything recently. I'd love to pick your brain about the internet killing the radio star. And the video star. And the indie rock star. And maybe Ken Starr.
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