Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Fashion Week Limbo (also known as JFK-British Airways Terminal)

There's nothing like an airport full of models (on their way to London from NY Fashion Week) to make a gal feel good. Particularly when said gal is in particularly grubby travel clothing covered in a particularly large amount of dog hair, nevermind the fact that due to both time and location limitations, said gal is on her second McDonald's meal of the day. If you haven't caught on yet, said gal is me and I am currently testing out mobile blogging as well as starting to curse the BlackBerry Pearl's double letter keys. This would be so much easier if I had a Sidekick.

Back to the models: A table full of them, laptops out (think they'd let me borrow one?), also chowing down on McD's, but looking exponentially more glamorous and glow-y while doing so, are less than ten feet away. It's like seeing exotic animals in their natural environment, or maybe like seeing exotic animals in a crappy airport terminal, but whatever. If I wasn't so certain that after this hell-ish week they were more tired and sick of camera's than I, I'd sack up and snap a few pics to add to this feeble post. Maybe snag some names and shows walked, but as it stands, I'm going to leave them alone. Models need time to eat and blog too, and far be it from me to separate anyone from their Big Mac.

A more potential prospect would be Noot Seear, who was in line ahead of me at McDonald's, and who I actually have a mild connection with, having gone to junior high with her cousin and having fond memories of using a bottle of Joico spray-in conditioner to detangle Noot's (then known as Renata, and what's up with model names anyway?) seventh grade tangles, one summer prior to her discovery in a mall in Bellingham. But, same rules apply as above, and though I have a tendency to hold random childhood memories close to my heart, most (especially now famous) people do not, as I've learned when running into former elementary school classmates who have no recollection who I am, while I could list their birthday, snack of choice, and desk location in class. Back to Noot, though: I am definitely friends with her cousin (my seventh and eighth grade friend) on Facebook. Does that make the connection more legit?

Ugh. Looks like it's time to board, and no, I'm not going to London for fashion week, so don't rub it in.

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