Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Like Leftover Stuffing

So, I totally get that the appeal of blogs is directly related to the immediacy of the medium as a whole, and that my complete and utter suckness at posting promptly is kind of like a black mark on the face of BlogLand and all it's inhabitants, but honestly, sometimes I think that, like leftover stuffing, a late post is better than no post, exponentially more delicious, and without a doubt, best nestled cozily between two slices of bread, alongside some carved turkey breast and cold mashed potatoes.

Also, anyone notice how "Stuffing" is a total play on the word "The Middle" (see BELOW if you're confused)? Because it is. And if you want to mock me for a) pointing out my own sucky pun or b) how sucky the pun is that I have to even point it out, go ahead. MOCK ME. At least I'll get a little action in the comments. Speaking of which, I know there are readers out there, and while I am most appreciative of those readers' silent appreciation, readers that aren't commenting aren't really readers at all. Comment people! To be or not to be? That is the question. And it's answer is: Comment, dammit! And I'll respond with more delicate witticisms and probing factoids and we can have a cyber-land utopia! (Um. Not reaaaaaaaally. But if that will get you to come out into the open, then so be it. Well, that or, I'll send you free stuff. Nothing like a little bribery, eh?)

And speaking of Canada, all you invisible peeps out there should check out my Emmy Red Carpet LiveBlog with two other AWESOME Canadian chicks, who have a much cooler and waaaaaay funnier social life than I do. We were all LiveBlog virgins, but I think we pulled off the "I've totally done this before" vibe quite nicely.

Oh, and to get back to the stuffing. This was supposed to be the post where I filled you in on my Fashion Week happenings (all two of them), but instead it meandered into a vaguely metaphorical and simile-full ramble. So, I'll get back to the stuffing later. Adios!

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