Thursday, January 17, 2008


I'm finally jumping the shark, and heading over to Tumblr.

You can find me at:
Verena Says (version 2.0)

While Tumblr isn't as pretty as it is over here, I think I can genuinely say that I like it better, and bonus points for you folk -- I'll most definitely update it more. Whether said updates will be of any quality, well, that's up for debate. And hey, it's a blog. Quality, Schmality.

So, goodbye. (For now. I'm commitment phobic - with blogs at least - so I'm not promising anything.)

PS. I may have completely mis-used the term "Jump the Shark" here, but I found it a highly relevant term, and it also makes me sound all media knowlegeable, so there.)

PPS. Awesome Pic is from Natalie Dee. Check her out.


TJ Kous said...

Jump The Shark is usually used to define the moment when a television show (or any narrative serial) makes a bold effort to gain ratings. Usually after this point the show has lost some of its original integrity. It originates from an episode of Happy Days where the Fonz takes to water skis and jumps over a shark!

Verena said...

I love you and your TV trivia. I saw that in the Wiki post I linked to, but was still feeling a little questionable on my use. But now that I think about it, it makes sense. In a way, I AM trying to "gain ratings", however, I'm not sure how much integrity I had to start with, let alone how much I have now...

Tumblr is definitely doing a number. It's somehow convinced me that my every random thought needs to be out there for the world to see. Yikes.

That said, I highly recommend it. It's a very addictive and post-friendly format.