Thursday, September 06, 2007

And It Starts.

Spent the morning yesterday backstage at BCBG. Yes, you heard me. Backstage. I'm that girl.

But before you get all these lofty images of me in your head, know that I showed up to Bryant Park about 30 minutes early, and did a thorough lap of the tents just to establish where exactly the Front was. (6th Ave, but seriously, it's not that easy.) Passed Rachel Clark coming around the South side of the tents looking far more certain of her destination than I was.

Met my friend Poppy Harlow, who was covering the show for CBS's ShowBuzz, as well as We also had an interview scheduled with Merrill Greene, Creative Director of Style Sight, an online fashion resource site and trend forecasting company. Poppy whisked me backstage, where it looked exactly how you would picture it to look, minus about 10 degrees of pandemonium. I browsed the racks, trying to look as "I'm supposed to be here" as I could, and Poppy did her "HI! I'M POPPY HARLOW WITH CBSNEWS SHOWBUZZ.COM! AND WE'RE HERE, BACKSTAGE AT BCBG's SPRING-", you get the point.

I saw a couple of models (although, no Stam sightings, unlike Fashionista), and watched Poppy do her awesome thing with Max Azria himself:

Then I did my thing, which was a little less professional, a little more awkward, and involved me scribbling furiously in a notebook so that I might actually be able to use some of the quotes. (Note to Self: Get tape recorder. Or cool Mac thing that plugs into top of ipod and works as tape recorder.) Merrill Greene was insightful and gracious and gave me some wonderful fodder for a follow up to a previous post on the current hubbub going on about copyrights in the fashion industry.

And then it was 8:55 and I sprinted (I do actually have one of those day-jobs, that I do actually like, and hope to keep) out of the tents, passing Faran Krentcil on my way out, and in recognizing her face, thought I actually knew her, smiled and waved hello. She was polite enough, although slightly confused, so Faran, if you're reading this, that was me, nice to meet you, and yes, I'm usually this (that?) awkward.

All in all, an awesome, if early, morning, and check out my more official (and professional) post about the collection itself over on HuffPo.

Happy Fashion Week and Adios!


Anonymous said...

hehe, awkward, you little oaf. but seriously, i am way proud of you. make it happen :) xoxo

Verena said...

@anonymous: You are not as anonymous as you would like to think. I'm on to you.

And yes, my oaf-ish-ness is out in full force.

Also: Thanks for being El Commenter Numero Uno! Feliz!